Saturday, June 24, 2006

Week 4 :: Working with Sound

v    Objectives

Students will be able identify several audio codecs by extension, convert sound from one format to another, and integrate sound into their PowerPoint slideshows.

v    Standards

Students will demonstrate their skill with sound files by converting an .mp3 file into .wav format and integrate the sound into PPT using the custom-animation option.

v    Anticipatory Set

“Use the custom-animation option, here, to add an entrance effect and a sound to any picture in your slideshow.  I want to hear screeches and claps and glass breaking from all over the room!  Go!”

v    Teaching

a.     Input

Brief discussion of encoding formats and file sizes, but this lesson is mostly about modeling.

b.     Modeling

Teacher demonstrates how to record audio with built-in microphone and how to download a .wav sound and associate it with custom-animation.  Then demonstrates how to take an .mp3 file and throw it into Sound Studio or Audacity or Garageband to cut/modify and then export as a .wav file. 

c.     Check For Understanding

Students should explain to each other how to find an .mp3 file on, convert it to .wav and integrate into PowerPoint.  One student from each row should stand to explain the process.

v    Guided Practice/Monitoring

Students will pair up to work on this multi-step process, working first on one, then on the other computer.

v    Closure

“Why might you want sound to be in a tightly encoded format like .mp3?”  “Why might you want sound to be in the bulky/sloppy encoding of a .wav file?”  “What other sound file extensions have you seen—why are there so many?”

v    Independent Practice

Students will explore more in the sound editing application of their choice and create a 5-second sound that is unique: perhaps overlaying two sound files, perhaps using the mic to modify a sound, perhaps simply joining two sounds back-to-back.  This sound, too, will be applied to an object on the Sounds slide.


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