Week 5 :: Computer Dreaming 2000
v Objectives
Students will explore the world of computer electronics with an eye for what to buy.
v Standards
Students will compile a PowerPoint slide with CaptureMe photos
v Anticipatory Set
“I’d like to give you money and send you shopping today. Where would you go shopping online? Any ideas?”
v Teaching
a. Input
Not a lot of teacher-centric time for this lesson. Recommend that students shop first at known sites like amazon.com, buy.com, tigerdirect.com, newegg.com, and outpost.com
b. Modeling
Teacher shows past example of Computer Dreaming 2000 slides.
c. Check For Understanding
Verify that students know how to use CaptureMe to take screenshots.
v Guided Practice/Monitoring
Everybody goes to TigerDirect and chooses a flashdrive to “buy.” The process for buying is simple . . . just take a screenshot of the item with its price and drag the pic onto the slide. In a text box, keep track of what you buy and how much it costs.
v Closure
Point out that using the internet for commerce is going to become much more common, and that buying decisions will be part of everyone’s future.
v Independent Practice
Students have $2000 to spend on computer equipment. They can choose any kind of electronics to "buy," but they have to start with these basic components: a computer (desktop/laptop), a printer/scanner/copier, and a digital camera. They may also want to consider an MP3 player, computer games, digital video camera, cell phone, PDA, flash drive, speakers, etc.
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